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A Gift for YOU!  

"The world around us is nothing more and nothing less than a mirror of what we have become from within." ~Gregg Braden



Below, please find a self-guided meditation that you can practice with your eyes open. I created this meditation for you to use as a way to explore your own inner silence.

It can be helpful to set aside time daily for quieting your mind and allowing your body to reset. This will strengthen both your intuition and your ability to focus.  

It’s also a great tool to use to identify questions that you’d like to explore during your astrology consultation or tarot reading.

Often I’ll start my daily practice with a guided or self-guided meditation to get started.  From there, I’ll close my eyes and focus on my breathing, to settle into a deeper meditative silence.

*HINT* I’ve found that slightly longer meditations (20 minutes+), 
are easier and more gratifying than shorter meditations (2-10 minutes), which often don't provide the time and space necessary for the internal chatter to settle.

I invite you to experiment and see what’s true for you. 


One more note: it would be a delight to stay in touch with you! To receive additional way-finding offerings and resources, updates about special reading packages, and more, please take a moment now to add your name to my email list.

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Self-Guided Meditation for Co-Creating

For all journeys of self discovery, mindful meditation is a helpful tool for focusing your attention, clearing your mind, and opening your heart. From this state of gentle awareness you will be poised to hear your intuition speak, and receive the guidance you’re seeking with a spirit of grace and allowing.

Start from where you are.  
Let your next steps be imperfect.
This is the practice of living from your heart, guided by your soul.


Begin by sitting comfortably.

Slowly and gently, breathe into what is.

Turn your gaze inward—and let it settle on your heart.

Now breathe into your heart space.

Notice the sensations in your body as you do this.

Relax into the rhythm of your breathing.

Trust the wisdom of your body.

What do you feel?

How is your body speaking to you?

What do you see?

Are there images surfacing from within? 

Simply notice them.

What do you hear?

Listen for whispers of guidance from within.

And breathe.

Placing both hands on your heart, breathe in slowly, allowing your breath to gently fill your belly. And exhale. 

Continue this cycle for a few breaths.

Know that as you focus on your breathing, you are awakening your life force.

Gently nourishing your body, and spirit.

Notice what is.

Without judgement or expectations.

Here and now you are creating a sacred space within to connect with your soul.

Trust that everything you need is available to you.

Breathing. Sensing.  Being.

Breathing. Sensing. Being.

Now, I invite you to bring the outside edges of your hands together in front of you to form a bowl.

As you do this, think of an intention that you’d like to lift up.

In your minds eye, place your intention in the bowl you’ve formed with your hands.

Then, as you continue to slowly inhale and then exhale, allow the energy of your intention to expand in your hands. Feel the warmth of its energy glowing in your hands.

On the third exhale, lift your hands up and release your intention to the universe.

Bring your palms together in front of your heart.

And gently recite the words: “and so it is.”


The process of co-creation has been set in motion.  May you be happy, may you be well, may you be at peace, and may you be love.

When you are ready, gently return your attention to your external environment.  

Once again, start from exactly where you are.  

Let your next steps be imperfect.

This is the practice of living from your heart, guided by your soul.


"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.  What is essential is invisible to the eye." ~Antoinne de Saint-Exupery
