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Reflections on the Tarot

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.  Who looks outside, dreams.  Who looks inside, awakens."  ~Carl Jung



Today you embark on a journey, a modern day spiritual quest, to recapture your connection to the Divine--your true home.  In the language of the Tarot, this quest is called The Fool's Journey.  

The name is inspired by the optimism (and naiveté) of the novice, 
but there is nothing foolish about it.  On the contrary, this is a journey that requires courage, patience, compassion and faith.  

Your dharma (life purpose) is alive in you--and you'll find it calling to you through the symbolism and questions embedded in the cards.  Trust the stirrings of your soul and follow the thread of wisdom that will be revealed to you.  

As you journey, embrace the wonder of your imagination--for there you will discover the secrets waiting to guide you home.  

When you follow the clues gifted to you through synchronicity and intuition, you’ll enter a realm of magic and mystery, a place where time stands still and anything is possible.  

You needn't travel far to enter this land of wonder and awe.  It's within you, in the space where your dharma waits patiently for your return.  To embrace it, simply listen carefully to the questions the cards whisper to you.

The answers are alive in you...let the Tarot show you the way.  With each step you take on The Fool's Journey, the Tarot will beckon to you: Remember who you are.  Remember who you are!
